Nowadays, users and the data can no longer be kept within the building of the company. An effective infrastructure lets employees and administrators access the data remotely for faster and more efficient work. Top SD-WAN vendors provide a multitude of features that make this possible.
With more and more businesses moving their data to the cloud, relying on the transfer of files through flash drives and LAN sharing is no longer feasible. For many industries, how fast the files travel directly impact the results of sales, deal closures and other metrics. If you’re making the move to SD-WAN, here’s how you can do so seamlessly.
Figure Out Why You Need SD-WAN
Every business will differ in how they operate and that includes the handling of the backend. No two IT teams are the same in how they approach things. Many companies that made the move to SD-WAN had a general consensus of what the priorities are which may include:
* Reduced cost for connectivity and bandwidth
* Ability to reliably connect to the company’s cloud remotely
* Increased speed of upload and download of files
* Quality of service (QoS) management that allows prioritizing of important applications
* Increased security through encryption
Although upgrading is always a good thing, a business should know why it needs to upgrade their technology. When the features needed by the employees are made known, it’ll be easier to prepare everyone for the move.
Know How Everything Will Be Transitioned
The transfer of data is one of the most crucial things that a company has to go through when upgrading their infrastructure. Think back to the days when everything was on paper. It was incredibly vital for all the data to be encoded digitally with absolutely no loss. A business is only as good as the data it has gathered.
If a company has the ability to maintain both WAN and SD-WAN for a grace period, it’ll be easier for everyone involved to get accustomed to changes. Companies that have been in business for long may have tenured employees that have already developed a habit of transferring files to a specific location. If that location is suddenly removed, there may be issues.
A good way to combat issues that may arise from the transition is to coordinate with the vendor during the transition. If it’s possible for redirections of specific points to be made, make sure that it’s done. Thorough private testing by the vendors and the company should be done with dummy data.
Secure Everything In Sight
Top SD-WAN vendors will usually give the company’s IT team a full rundown of how the infrastructure works. It’s paramount that the ITs are fully trained on how to keep the network secure. The company’s IT team should already be knowledgeable when it comes to preventing hijack of traffic, bypassing of permission protocols, detecting downtime in real time and other security measures before SD-WAN deployment.
By ensuring that the connection of the company is safe, the focus can now be put into getting everyone used to the new technology being used.
If you want to learn SD-WAN “in English”, visit Be fully informed about the Top SD-WAN vendors so you can make an informed decision and make most of the technologies available today.